If an organization can control the courts, they can control the law. If they control the law, they can control the people, for better or worse. They can extract the people’s wealth for institutional profits and have the practice rubber-stamped as legal, like kings and queens have done throughout history.
That’s not a democracy
We have an organization that legislates public debt for private profits. It has been stacking our courts with partisan shills for a long time, to legalize and normalize the extraction scam and to turn a blind eye whenever necessary.
This organization, that sprung from the corrupted seeds of the duopoly and is now attempting to transcend its creators, is personified in this narrative as Frankenstein’s monster. The monster has been packing our courts for a long time, to control justice and prevent democracy.
Expanding the court is absolutely the correction necessary for the partisan court packing campaign that’s gone on for decades.
Joe Biden not answering the court packing question speaks volumes. Of course he wouldn’t support the idea because it’s the right thing to do, for the public and democracy.
If the democrats controlled the government they could, and they should, but they won’t, pack the courts to the max, confirming dozens of “liberal” judges nominated by Joe, or whoever is president. There should be no limit to the number of justices on the Supreme Court. If you are qualified, nominated and confirmed, you can vote.
Notice how Joe says it will shift the focus to a court packing conversation if he talks about it, which is exactly what should happen. He accuses Trump of changing the subject as he himself changes the subject by refusing to talk about it. Joe would rather focus on the problem than consider its solution.
What more do you need to know about the lesser of two evils?
If the intention of the court is ethical and accurate interpretation of the constitution, the Supreme Court should be massively expanded to include as many qualified judges as possible.
When a justice feels personally compelled to rule on a case before the supreme court, they should be allowed to do so, considering they are qualified, nominated and confirmed, according to the law. The more judges the better. The more opinions the better when pursuing a consensus of legal interpretation for hundreds of millions of people.
Considering the technology and the philosophy, the only logical motivation to keep the court constrained to nine members is to achieve politically motivated rulings via erroneous constitutional interpretations, to serve the monster, for profits.
Conservatives are supposedly motivated to pack the courts to protect the unborn. Don’t believe it. Those who care so much about the unborn are the same people depriving the living of healthcare. It is a hypocritical contradiction in logic that should be suspect for ulterior motives.
Social issues that tug instinctively at your heart strings are used to disguise the true agenda. It is a profit driven agenda not a philosophical one, that drives the corrupt to organize to control our government, and our courts. Their motive is not benevolent.
It’s funny, in a way, to watch the professional pundits being shocked now, at Trump’s flagrant lying, only because most of those same people didn’t seem to care when they served previous republican administrations that lied constantly. They reported with unquestioning faith, back then. As I recall.
Trump is merely saying aloud now what republicans have always done and denied. Admittedly this president is less dignified, but it’s the same basic agenda of privilege, division, and profiteering from public debt.
It’s ironic somebody who lies so constantly and shamelessly about everything, openly embraces the same agenda previous republican administrations pursued, but felt compelled to lie about.
The lies the fake news let slide, back then.
The democrats always prefer to look forward rather than acknowledge the problem in need of correction. Because they are part of the problem. They ironically reach across the aisle to perpetuate the problems of division.
The duopoly is the problem.
The duopoly parties normally pretend to be in opposition to each other, for relevance and donations. But now the division is getting real.
Democracy and representative government theoretically prevent the division that is happening now, in our country. The deprivation of representation is creating tensions that will inevitably result in more conflict. We can safely assume that is the intention.
Money is being used as a substitute for representation, creating a hierarchy of allegiance to an authority that is counterfeited, undemocratic and undeniably undesirable for the public.
Private profit from pubic conflict.
It is imperative to identify the adversary and challenge their agenda with leglislative reforms, such as updating apportionment law.
The public’s adversaries are packing our courts with partisan shills to interpret the constitution in a way that protects and defends the scam.
Sheldon Whitehouse nails it down, as seen in the video. His directive to identify the adversary is exactly correct, but will fall on deaf ears, as usual, because the problem is bipartisan, and will be ignored by both sides of the corporate media.
Still, bravo to the senator. He will find what he seeks on Wall Street.
The peaceful transfer of power from one organization to its opposition doesn’t happen, ever, despite what some might say. The reason we have had a peaceful transition of power here, in the past, is because our political parties weren’t really in opposition to each other.
We have had an economic duopoly. The transfer of power in an economic duopoly is called succession. It is a peaceful transition of power among allies and associates in a mutually beneficial venture.
That’s no longer happening. Joe Biden is running against shameless corporate greed, and all of the global investors who need to maximize their profits from the scam. Unfortunately, those investors are a heavy voting demographic, so Joe must appeal to them, to win, for the duopoly.
Better scam light than left out.
The democrats deny representation to the so-called radical left, so they themselves don’t become obsolete. If the duopoly actually divided, which it hasn’t, there would be an opposition. And an opposition doesn’t transfer power, at least not peacefully, ever. The democrats will accommodate the ever-shifting rightward leaning ideology of the duopoly in order to “save” our democracy. They always do.
In other news, Trump’s taxes got leaked and surprise surprise, he is a tax evading deadbeat cheat in debt up to his eyeballs to his dark money overlords. As if we didn’t know. As if his base loves him any less or it even makes a difference.
This is the normalization of corruption disguised as an election.
Yes, he’s a crook, now move along. Right on the eve of the first debate. Which was hilarious. I’ll have to get back to all that later. Time allowing.