Capitalism Fails
What’s going on? Corruption not Capitalism They Know Something Bush Was Lying $11 Trillion in Debt Anything Goes Free Market Guy Rescue Plan Fails Mud Sandwich American Socialism People Don’t Know Lying Cheating Thieves Imagine If this Bill Passed? Greasing The Wheels Foreign Banks Buying US Bailing Out Foreign Banks Clogged with Illiquid Assets Speculator Bailouts Buyer’s Remorse The Pusher Sweeteners Pure Lard – Pork Trashing the Bill Anybody Happy? Fear Outrage Panic Bush Signs Bailout Market Crashes Capitalism failed Fat Cat Packages Bait & Switch #2 Capitalize Banks Instead of Infrastructure Wealth Shift to the Wealthy Bonus from Bailouts Intentional Fraud Fat Cat Loophole Wading in Money Culture of Squeeze Golden Parachutes Paid to Fail Protesting Wall St. Bonus – No Caps Shareholder Bailouts Aristocratic Theft Digging a Bigger Hole Bipartisan Scam No Reforms Wall St. Over the Barrel Main St Protests Let them Fail Wealth Vampires Looted by Wall St Secret Deals Cost to Taxpayer 100% on the Dollar Bailed Out withTaxes Far From Over No Disclosure Giving Money to Banks For Shareholder Profits Corrupt Blind Eye Bipartisan Frauds Shareholder Welfare Double Standard Let Them Foreclose Political Insanity Moral Hazard The Most Sickening Kind Justice Dept Collusion Everyone Knew – Cynicism and Mistrust They Got Away With It Banks Get Bigger